"1. The Hobbit 2. Avengers 3. Dark Knight Rises 4. Brave 5. The Hunger Games"
"Awesome list! I'm glad to see both Game of Thrones and Supernatural here. Nice job!"
"Awesome list! Supernatural is one of my favorite TV shows of all time. "
"Great list! I'm glad that you have Dragonheart here because it is a great movie, as are the Harry Potter films. Nice job."
"Great list! I'm a huge fan of movie posters, when they are done right. Nice collection."
"Awesome list! To be honest, I'm NOT a big fan of the Simpson's, but I have to admit that I love this list!"
"I suggest watching Psycho, Bonnie & Clyde, Coraline and The Wild Bunch. (Not to be a copycat of Fortunato, but I have to admit that he has great taste in movies.) I also suggest to avoid Your Highn"
"I've been meaning to sit down and watch all of Kevin Smith's movies too. (Some I've seen and others I need to see.) Nice list!"
"You got my vote right away when I saw Calvin & Hobbes and The Far Side! Great list."
"So, what you're really saying is that you stole this? LOL! (Just kidding) Great list, my friend."
"Just went to the website and there are even more there! Thanks a lot for posting this, my friend."
"Wow! I love this list because it is so true how illogical liberals can be. (No offense meant!)"
"Nice list! I have only seen one of these (Oz: The Great and Powerful), but I want to see several of the rest."
"A lot of my favorites and no-so-favorites are here. Nice list!"